Snowflakes are starting to fly in northwest Connecticut as our snow event begins to take shape. Currently, we are seeing temperatures drop in advance of a period of snow that is likely during the overnight hours into tomorrow morning.
Here's the latest.
Although this is a relatively minimal snowfall accumulation for Connecticut, the timing will likely create an out-sized impact for the state. As I mentioned at the top, snow is already beginning to fall in NW CT, and over the next few hours we should see a transition from rain to snow across the state, after a brief period of mixing. The snow will arrive faster than the temperatures will drop below freezing, so some of this snowfall will be lost to warm surfaces.
We do expect accumulation, however, and there are likely going to be widespread delays in the morning. That said, things should clear between 7-10am, so cancellations are unlikely.
Overnight, we'll see where banding sets up. There will likely be a brief period of moderate to heavy snow, tapering off to light snow as the morning progresses. Overall, this looks like a moderate impact event due to timing.
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